Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Goede middag mijn vrienden, yet another Monday has come to pass. Today I gained a new experience, snow biking. The key to snow biking is to break as little as possible. This I learned today due to the fact that the sneeuw (snow) viel de hele nacht lang. When I awoke the next day a thin blanket of snow lay over my path to school. As I ventured out the door I wondered whether it would have been wise to say my last goodbyes, just in case. Even in my hesitant state I managed to complete my school-bound journey in a timely manner, with only a minor amount of slipping and sliding. I am also proud to say that I never went down. I stayed on my bike and that, in my opinion, is a great feat. When the time came to venture out to the streets once again, the sneeuw had melted quite a bit from the loads of cars which had run about them over the course of the day. Upon entering the house I realized how many clothing pieces I was conducting. On my feet were my winter ski socks, my torso was adorned with a tank top, long sleeve shirt, hockey sweatshirt, and winter jacket. My hands were enclosed in the warm embrace of a dueling glove and mitten combo. My head sheltered from the wind by a hat with soft ear flaps. Sadly even with all of this ado I still was cold on my trek to and from school. My midsection was nicely heated but the rest of me lacked the same coziness. I hope in the future that either I discover something warmer to wear or it does not get any colder outside. I fear that the latter may be something that one only wishes for futilely as the outside temperatures drop to negative forever degrees. Until then, moderately cold will I be.
P.S. I am considering switching to another site from which to blog depending on whether or not I can switch my earlier posts over. I will keep you posted on this possible change...no pun intended.